Treatment Done: Missing teeth replaced with implant crowns and porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Implant crown
Treatment Done: Implant bridge
Treatment Done: Full mouth rehabilitation with crowns and dental implants
Treatment Done: Full mouth rehabilitation with complex bite
Treatment Done: Closing gaps in teeth and improving smiles in a young patient with composite resins
Treatment Done: 6 crowns top front teeth colour change
Treatment Done: 6 crowns on heavily worn down top front teeth
Dental Crowns
Treatment Done: Top jaw crowns
Treatment Done: Missing teeth replaced with implant crowns and porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Implant crown
Treatment Done: 6 crowns top front teeth colour change
Treatment Done: 6 crowns on heavily worn down top front teeth
Dental Implants
Treatment Done: Veneers and implant bridges
Treatment Done: Implant crown
Treatment Done: Implant bridge
Composite & Porcelain Veneers
Treatment Done: Veneers and implant bridges
Treatment Done: Resin veneers
Treatment Done: Replacing 4 old porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Missing teeth replaced with implant crowns and porcelain veneers
Treatment Done: Closing gaps in teeth and improving smiles in a young patient with composite resins
Dentures & Bridges
Treatment Done: Resin bonded bridge
Disclaimer: Results may vary per individual and any procedure carries its own risks and benefits. Prior to proceeding an assessment is required to determine suitability.